Cooling Training

We found 1 cooling results across all course categories, searching through their; menus, content, tags and names.
Legionella Awareness

Found Cooling in the category of Safety Management Courses.

Understand legionnaires disease bacteria and how outbreaks can be avoided with maintenance of hot and cold water systems in commercial environments such as an office as well as industrial environments with cooling towers.

Course Lessons, Cooling Menu: History of the Organism, Types of Risk Systems, Legislation, Guidance & Risk Assessment, Cleaning and System Housekeeping, Record Keeping

Cooling Related Tags: legionella, bacteria, legionnaires disease, outbreak, l-cysteine, L8, acop, cleaning, hot, cold, water, system, housekeeping, risk assessment, maintenance, outbreak, public, health, biofilm, control, temperature, vulnerable, spa, pool, cooling, drift eliminators, treatment, storage, tank, housekeeping, design, level 2,

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