East Midlands Chamber Training

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Course

Safeguarding Adults

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This Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Course learning outcomes include; Learn how to safeguard potentially vulnerable adults. The types of abuse and neglect they experience including the signs and symptoms, and key considerations on mental capacity and opportunities for mis-use of power. How to respond, record evidence and report allegations of abuse and neglect in vulnerable adults using a person-centred approach.
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Level 3

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£25 for Teams and Individuals

28% off for Business & Groups

68% off for Agency & Enterprise

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Bulk Pricing Explained

Organisations, Groups and Businesses training 25 or more people with this course pay £18 per person.

Larger orders from Agencies & Enterprises, training 100 or more people with this course, only pay £8 per person.

These bulk discounts are automatically applied at checkout for your convenience.

Why choose East Midlands Chamber Training?
“The training platform was informative and easy to understand and was easy to find. There were no slow downs, I followed each page and gave me time to divulge the information. I found the website by searching. This was easy to follow and not complicated by larger words, it's good to learn some of the technical language, the jargon was minimised and easy to follow. Regarding layout, create two page sections with equal heights regardless of their content sizes. The questions were very easy to follow recurring patterns from previous dialects. Always there is room to improve by listening more to guidelines put in place for care workers to follow in working practice. Everyone was friendly and helpful. Login could not be easier, no problem just your name and password. Effective training can lead to lead to increased compliance with regulations and it could lead to a happier workforce, following guidelines of care marks policies brings good working practice and expert care for a person, being honest and taking in what we learn makes a credible understanding between the client, care worker, field care supervisor and care mark.”
- Phillip P -
1 of 86, out-of 58,315 Reviews
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Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Course Menu
Showing 8 of the 8 included eLearning lessons in this course. The whole course takes on average 49 minutes

We introduce and describe the aims of Adult Safeguarding, including the definition of harm, abuse and who is an at risk adult. We explain the structure and purpose of the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) and the processes used to support safer recruitment, including the use of DBS disclosures, including for those undertaking Regulated Activities, and the impacts of The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.

Learn about abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults and how it might occur, including Honour Based Violence, Modern Slavery and FGM. We explore the difference between Safeguarding, Protection and the 6 Key Principles that underpin all adult safeguarding work.

Understand the role of the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB), the intentions of ‘No Secrets’ and the guidance issued under the Care Act 2014, and how not reporting results in an act of omission, which is considered neglect and abuse.

Learn the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect, and the warning signs which might be an early indicator. Understand that neglect,including self-neglect, may be intentional or unintentional, but that it is still unacceptable.

Learn how and when vulnerability might arise in an adult, and who might misuse their power to abuse or neglect someone and in what circumstances. Understand the effect this has on the adult and how to respond in cases where abuse and neglect are identified or where the adult discloses information to you, including what to do if they are in immediate danger.

Learn about the immediate Steps to Protection and the actions you should take. Along with how to report potential abuse following your organisation's safeguarding policies and procedures. Understand the Inter-agency Approach including which agencies may become involved under the Local Authority Multi-Agency Policy.

Understand the important factors about reporting allegations and recording evidence of potential abuse such as taking a Person-Centred approach including exploring communication factors to be considered for people with learning disabilities. Learn to ensure there’s no cause for evidence to be inadmissible in court and understand how to manage a safeguarding incident including the responsibilities of sharing information with other relevant groups.

Learn about the  The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and how The Mental Health Act 2007 amended it to introduce the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).

Understand mental capacity; lacking capacity; and what is meant by fluctuating capacity. What triggers an assessment of capacity? Understand the 2-stage test. Explore examples of day-to-day choices and bigger life-changing decisions. We look at the framework of the Five Principles for Decision Making with someone with learning disabilities, and the Best Interests Checklist.

All trainees receive a globally recognized & subject informative Certificate of Completion as proof of successfully completing the training. Certificates are permanently stored in your account, always accessible online, and downloadable in PDF format too.

About this course
Level 3
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Course

This online course includes all of the 8 lessons above. It is designed to develop the trainees Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults skills for health and safety compliance in the workplace, providing valuable real-world learning outcomes at a high speed. It's used by individuals, groups and businesses to train their workforce across industries including Government & Institution, Charities & NGO, Travel & Leisure, Care Homes & Domiciliary Care, Hospital Recruitment, among others.

Provided by East Midlands Chamber Training based in East Midlands, it's accessible at anytime online from an internet connected device at work or home, such as a computer, tablet or smart phone. Teams have access to a highly rated LMS and all successfully completing trainees achieve a Certificate of Completion.

East Midlands Chamber Training

Safeguarding Adults eLearning

Learn about the core aims of adult safeguarding, who is an at risk or vulnerable adult. What abuse is and what constitutes harm. Understand how the adult victims of abuse and neglect often feel trapped by a fear of speaking out and learn how to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse, vulnerability and neglect, and the warning signs which might be an early indicator.

Understand the role of the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA), the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB), DBS disclosures and what constitutes ‘Regulated Activities’. Learn about the intentions of ‘No Secrets’ and the guidance issued under the Care Act 2014, and how not reporting results in an act of omission, which is considered neglect and abuse.

Learn about how abuse and neglect occurs, including Honour Based Violence, Modern Slavery and FGM and understand how taking a Person-Centred approach to collecting and recording evidence is crucial. We explore the opportunities for mis-use of power, and the impacts upon the vulnerable adult. How to take immediate steps for protection including reporting, and how an inter-agency approach will support the process. We learn how to take a person-centred approach, focusing on communication factors where learning disabilities are present. We look at how evidence can be admissible in court to ensure effective recording of evidence. Explore the difference between Safeguarding and Protection and the 6 key principles that underpin all adult safeguarding work.

Learn about The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). Explore what is mental capacity; lacking capacity; and what is meant by fluctuating capacity, and how to use the 2-stage test when an assessment of capacity is triggered.

We explore examples of the day-to-day choices and bigger life-changing decisions you can make in a safeguarding adults environment and how to use the framework of “The Five Principles” and the Best Interests Checklist for sensible decision making with someone with learning disabilities.

Course Tags: level 3, safeguarding, protection, behaviour, maltreatment, vulnerable, crb, dbs, exploitation, health and safety, abuse, harm, neglect, negligence, stress, welfare, learning disabilities, person-centred, evidence,